Homestay in アメリカ, Alpine
We have a large 5 bedroom house with 4 bedrooms available. Pool, Spa, built-in BBQ, etc.
In Alpine Calif very close to all grades of schools including high-school and junior college. SDSU is approximately 25 minutes drive. Plenty to do; Close to Malls, about 20 minutes to beaches, about 20 minutes to mountains followed by desert.
I'm retired from Sheriff's department. Husband is Engineer working for US Navy. Children have grown up and moved out.
Speak fluent English and Spanish.
No smoking inside house, but can smoke in backyard.
Have a small Pug/Chihuahua mix dog.
Duration of stay is up to you.
fast breakfast is included. I will also take you to trolley for school and pick you up from school only.
- 子供はいません
- ホストは喫煙しない
- Pet(s) in the home
- ESL/留学生
- 大学生
- 大人(20代半ば以上)
- カップル
- 子連れ家族旅行
- 新たな移民
- 出張者
- 旅行看護師
Services & Amenities
- 食事について: 朝食
- ワイヤレスブロードバンドインターネット (Wi-Fi)
- 外でなら許可する(中庭かバルコニーなど)
- セルフランドリー(洗濯機と洗剤の使用料込み)
- 1 Bedroom, Sleeps 1-2 guests
- 12ヵ月 maximum stay
- 2週間 of notice required to move out
1 Bedroom in This Homestay
お部屋#1: メインフロアー
Sleeps 1-2 guests
- 1 × ダブルサイズ
- 他のゲストと共有
- フルハイトミラー
- 寝室のドアには鍵がある
- 空調
- ナイトテーブル
- クローゼットまたはワードローブ
- 机と椅子
- ドライヤー
- テレビ